Thursday, March 15, 2007

Finally A Family

I got an invitation today--Little Guy's adoption will be final on Tuesday! I plan to try to go to the ceremony. I'm so happy for Little Guy and his mom. Little Guy is about 17 months old and has been with his mommy since he was just a few weeks old, I think.

It's always bittersweet when a birth family is unable to care for a child for whatever reason, but it's pure joy when a child can be placed with a family (mom, grandparents, aunts, uncles, church friends and so many more) who will love him and care for him.

I well remember our own Little Man's finalization. He was 12 days shy of being one year old. It was a hard time in our lives because Dear Hubby was driving trucks over-the-road and gone for long stretches, and it was really hard to arrange the ceremony with the court. But we managed, and it was one of the most special days we've ever had.

So here's to you, Little Guy & Mommy--A Forever Family!

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